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Where Beauty & Nature intersect

It’s the Most Winter-ful Time of the Year!

Frigid temps mean bundling up and remembering our strength and resilience as residents (or visitors) of northern Minnesota! Let’s not forget the wonderful recreation and events we can participate in, even when it’s nearing zero degrees.  Warm up after your winter adventures at one of our many area dining and beverage options, or cozy up […]

Park Rapids and the Heartland Lakes Area: Your Ultimate Fall Destination!

Fall in the Heartland Lakes Area: A Time for Change, Exploring, and Making Memories! As the days grow shorter, whistles blow under the Friday night lights, the harvest begins, and the landscape offers hints of color that will wash across our north woods. Park Rapids and the Heartland Lakes area provide a gorgeous backdrop from […]

Make Time for Endless Fun Near, In, or On the Water

  We love living in “the land of sky-blue waters.” Our lakes and rivers provide not only a backdrop to glorious sunrises and sunsets but also ways to kick back and relax or experience something new. Play in the sand The Heartland Lakes area resorts offer sandy beaches and life’s simple pleasures. If you like […]


    Fishing in the Park Rapids is heating up! Surface temperatures are rising and so are angler’s expectations. Most lakes do not have docks or porta-jons installed yet, but that will happen over the next few weeks. Since anglers can only target panfish right now, the key is finding small bays, sometimes only large […]

A Taste of the Heartland Lakes

From hometown cafes to fine dining and java to vino, the dining scene in the Heartland Lakes offers a variety of cuisines and experiences. Consider this “menu” of possibilities as a starting point and be ready to be delighted. Necce’s Ristorante From its luxurious atmosphere to its fresh and authentic menu, Necce’s Ristorante is a […]

Fishing Report 1/26/2024

Ice conditions in the Park Rapids area are favorable for fishing, but anglers should proceed cautiously given the unique season Mother Nature has presented.  Most lakes have 12-14” of ice and vehicles are beginning to venture out on many lakes. However, visitors should diligently check conditions. Bringing along safety equipment is always best practice.  Walleye […]

5 Ways to Make Winter Fun

5 Ways to Make Winter Fun Embrace winter with activities in Park Rapids and the Heartland Lakes area that turn the frosty time of year into fun for everyone! Here are a few opportunities to enjoy the Northwoods in the winter: Lantern Lit Snowshoe and Skiing Itasca State Park’s Evening Lantern Lit Snowshoe and Ski […]

Click here for Jason’s report Here is Jason Durham with this weeks fishing report for 12/28/2023 No ice is 100% safe! Be careful and check with Jason or local bait shops for updated conditions before you head out to your favorite lake! FOR INFORMATION ON LOCAL LAKES OR TO SCHEDULE A FISHING EXCURSION, CONTACT JASON […]

Keep It Clean Minnesota!

New Litter Law is in Effect! It is unlawful to improperly dispose of garbage, sewage or any wastewater on the ice. New statute for 2023 This new law puts the focus on where it should be – on individual accountability. To do your part:  -Make a plan for trash and waste removal before you hit […]


Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber, a Partner of Explore Minnesota Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Northwoods Bank, Partner of Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber Citizen's Bank in Park Rapids, MN Park Rapids Downtown Business Association Park Rapids Lakes Area Convention & Visitor's Bureau