Capt. Josh & a smallmouth bass.
Smallmouth Bass are schooling heavy and are on the feed bag anywhere from 6 ft of water down to 20 ft. The warm weather is keeping many of the fish shallower then normal. Standard crawfish baits like a jig/craw combo or a live bait rig with a small sucker minnow will catch fish worked along the bottom in or around rocks/weeds. Concentrate on the ends of points or shoreline inside turns breaking fast from shallow water into 20 ft of water or more.
Walleyes are a sure bet in deeper water on steep breaks in the 20-40 ft range. Look for steep breaks leading quickly to deep water (50 ft.+). Watch your electronics closely and use a live bait rig and a small sucker minnow as well. Night Crawlers will also do the trick for schooled up Walleyes.
Bluegills are holding in shallow weeds (6-10 ft deep) and can be caught using a small jig tipped with a white twister tail retrieved slowly over the weed tops.
Lotsa Fish! Lotsa Fun! Minnesota Fishing Guide Service, Captain Josh Hagemeister.