As we stay home to protect ourselves, families, friends and neighbors, “silent spring” has taken on new meaning. It’s so quiet, we can practically hear the snow melting.
Wildlife isn’t sheltering in place though. Swans, geese, ducks and even a few loons are returning. Spring is teasing us and will continue to reveal her true nature soon enough.
We feel grateful for all our medical workers, grocery store clerks and so many others who are providing the essential services that allow the rest of us to do what we need to do. The wonder of living in a small community has become transparent in many ways. Small business owners quickly figured out how to provide services: take out, curbside service, deliveries. And many of their customers are doing what they can to show them some love.
Social media shows people with talent and sewing machines locating stashes of fabric and sewing face masks and headbands for medical staff. Others are buying groceries and picking up prescriptions for elderly neighbors and family members. Fire departments are offering to drive by kids’ birthday celebrations. School bus drivers are delivering food to families in need. It’s heartening to know how unselfishly and creatively so many people are rising to the occasion.
The ordinary activity of planning seasonal activities is still taking place but virtually and with a Plan B for if and when they might actually be able to happen.
It seems the only thing we know for certain is we don’t know what April will bring and maybe May into June.
It seems a week at the lake is doable. Certainly fishing and family campfires can work. Itasca State Park is open. Group activities and programs have been cancelled but you can find wide open spaces to hike and find respite.

photo credit Linda Bentson- Hiking at Itasca State Park
The Chamber’s new Discovery Guide shows many ways to Catch a Memory anytime at the source of the Mississippi River, at the lake, in the woods or possibly enjoying a local celebration. The Chamber website can also assist with your plans and offers a way to order your picture-packed Discovery Guide.
It is part of life here that we are optimists at the beginning of each new season and its progression of change. This unusual time is no different. Our accommodations can become your retreat and our wonderful communities are your home away from home.
If you need help planning a memorable and affordable visit, need more information about the area or have questions, Chamber staff can offer some advice. Call 800-247-0054 to learn more.