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Where Beauty & Nature intersect

Plan your visit to beautiful Park Rapids, Minnesota!

Plan a summer getaway for the whole family

2011.04.04    No Comments

April 2011 Plan a summer getaway for the whole family Spring is a tease, like a bubble we want to grab and hold onto, but just when it seems to be within reach, it slips away. The snow and lake ice will melt though and soon pussy willows will burst from their shells, daffodils will […]

March 2011. Today’s the Day to Plan Your Stay

2011.02.28    No Comments

March 2011 Today’s the day to plan your stay March can be maddeningly unpredictable. One day it can snow a foot and the next may bring sunshine and the promise of spring. So while Mother Nature takes her sweet time with the transition, seize the moment. A sweet blanket of snow still creates the opportunity […]

February 2011 Play To Your Heart’s Desire

2011.01.31    No Comments

February 2011 Play to your heart’s content Play to your heart’s content in the Park Rapids Lakes Area in February. What’s not to love! The days are getting longer, the average temps are rising and hundreds of miles of snowmobile trails are groomed and ready to ride. Our forest and lake trails connect directly to […]

January 2011 Celebrate Winter

2011.01.02    No Comments

January 2011 Celebrate winter The new year begins with as much as 20 inches of fresh snow creating ideal conditions for snowmobiling on hundreds of miles of groomed trails in the Park Rapids area. You’ll find a picture perfect scene anywhere you go. If your New Year’s resolution is to celebrate winter, you’ve come to […]

December 2010, Take time to smell the hot chocolate

2010.11.30    No Comments

December 2010 Take time to smell the hot chocolate Mother Nature decorated the countryside with snow before Thanksgiving, and up north that means the white-frosted ground and trees will stay beautiful all winter. A few more inches of the white stuff will give snowmobilers, cross-country skiers and other outdoor enthusiasts the Christmas gift they want […]

Quiet descends on the north woods. November 2010

2010.11.01    No Comments

November 2010 Quiet descends on the north woods Crisp morning air and smoke curling from chimneys signal the change of seasons. The architecture of bare branches dominates the landscape, but after the leaves drop, hidden vistas of lakes and forests emerge. For many of those fortunate enough to live here year round, the days ahead […]

2010.10.05    No Comments

October 2010 Carve Out Some Time to Relax

2010.10.04    No Comments

October 2010 Carve out some time to relax “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like falling leaves.” – John Muir No mountains here, but […]

September in Lake Country

2010.09.07    No Comments

September 2010 Bring on September If you polled area residents and asked “What’s your favorite time of the year?”, most would say “fall.” The pace of life slows a bit, the scenery is spectacular and the mosquitoes are gone. Because rain was plentiful in August, the trees and landscape are still green and fresh as […]

Festivals Fill August Weekends

2010.08.01    No Comments

August 2010 Festivals fill August weekends We have enjoyed some of the most spectacular evenings ever this summer as the day’s heat melts away, dragonflies swoop in on a meal of mosquitoes, a breeze washes the air and the setting sun paints clouds with pastel colors. August promises more of the same as the landscape […]


Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber, a Partner of Explore Minnesota Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Northwoods Bank, Partner of Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber Citizen's Bank in Park Rapids, MN Park Rapids Downtown Business Association Park Rapids Lakes Area Convention & Visitor's Bureau